Lemon-Balm Cold Sore Balm

Lemon-Balm Cold Sore Balm
Cold-Sore Prevention and Treatment Salve
Directions: Apply to affected area 3-4 times per day as needed to prevent and treat cols sores.
If you are unfortunate enough to suffer with cold sore outbreaks, then you have found your savior! This salve is soothing and moisturizing enough to wear as a lip balm daily, which also helps with preventing those angry red bumps. While avoiding spicy and overly acidic foods, and taking a daily Lysine supplement certainly helps A TON for prevention, this added into the mix definitely makes a difference as well! The generous amount of Lemon Balm, St. John’s Wort, and Licorice root make this salve Kryptonite for the herpes virus. Apply immediately at first sign of a flare-up, and keep applying every few hours until gone. This should prevent any more days where you are too embarrassed to leave the house without some kind of face covering. Get your life back!
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